You Were Our Greatest Hello
& Our Hardest Goodbye
It is a heavy heart and with great sadness to let our followers and family know that on June 13, 2023, Davinci crossed the rainbow bridge.
Davinci, AKA Pupeproni, was 15 years old. He was a mixed breed of Lhasa Apso, Shih Tzu, Cairn Terrier and I believe poodle mix
He was the BEST Dog any fur parent could ask for. Always happy and wanting to play. He loved everybody and everyone! Always wanting to play with other dogs. He was the best older brother to his siblings (Endora, Monty, Kaos, and Dutchess).
The first 4 years it was only him and I. He loved to play soccer, fetch, go to the playground and go down the slide, he loved walks and eventually even enjoyed going swimming. He was a real champ when it came to me making him dress up and take pictures. Davinci also loved to explore. He was a smart little doggo! He could do tricks: Shake, lay down, roll over, sit pretty, and play dead. he was able to solve any dog puzzle in a matter of minutes!
When Brian came into the picture it was all up to Davinci whether he was going to stay or not. Davinci gave Brian 4 Paws Up and lots of Tail wags so e kept him!
We became a family in 2012 that kept on growing.

Davinci 11/8/08 - 6/13/23

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